Are you looking for a refreshing spin onSpirituality? enLIGHTenUP is an unconventional podcast of three friends and guests sharing informative, fun and sometimes off-the-wall conversations about spiritual topics ranging from Ascension Symptoms, The Event, UFO’s, The Matrix, Astral Travel, Self-Healing, Extraterrestrials, Light Language, Kundalini Awakening, Akashic Records, God, and so much more!
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Join co-hosts Nicole Frolick, an author and inspirational speaker, who recently stepped out of the ‘spiritual closet’ holding a bottle of red wine when she realized the importance of sharing her spiritual viewpoints and stories with others; Lisa Watson, a former homeschooling mother of two, whose life took a sharp turn, when she discovered her new-found freedom after divorce, started channeling light language, and decided to live life on her terms; and Brian Koenigberg, a designer turned App developer that is truly ‘The Mayor of Skeptic Town’ when it comes to all this spiritual stuff and is not afraid to call ‘bullshit'.
We invite you to grab a drink with us and listen in on our casual, entertaining, controversial & hopefully enlightening conversations about the spiritual journey, life on planet Earth, and what the heck is really going on out there..